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Awaken, Arise and Acknowledge with Goa Yogashala in India.

Our Yoga Gurus

Meet our remarkable team of highly-experienced Indian and International Teachers

At Goa Yogashala, we lay a lot of emphasis on the teacher-student relationship. Just like a student is nothing without the knowledge and guidance of his teacher, a teacher also realizes his complete potential when he helps develop his student’s mind and vision. To be an exception yogi, it is imperative that you learn only from the best yoga gurus so they can provide you true and authentic knowledge of yoga.

We believe that only a devoted teacher can create a devoted yogi out of a student. And, hence, all our national and international teachers have dedicated their lives to the wisdom and cause of yogic studies. With a progressive and dynamic approach, our best yoga teachers take you on a journey of ancient yogic learning. Our team of yoga teachers has not only spent years mastering the various aspects of yoga but they are also known to have international recognition for their expertise and spiritual guidance.

Our yoga teachers have been accredited by Yoga Alliance and come with years of experience teaching students from all around the world. Along with outstanding teaching proficiency, exceptional knowledge in the most genuine ancient forms of yoga and a distinctive approach has rewarded them with the acknowledgment of being some of the best yoga leaders in the world.

Praveen ji

Praveen Reddy | Founder

( E-RYT 200 , E-RYT 500 )

Born and raised in India’s ‘Garden City’ Bangalore, Mr. Praveen Reddy is an extremely qualified yoga guru who is known to have learned the discipline under some of the highly-revered mentors in the community. After conducting several successful teacher training courses, retreats, workshops, and drop-in classes for the past 8 years, the visionary genius is the founder of GOA Yogashala.

A devoted yogi, Praveen has completed a 250-hour Yoga TTC from the Yoga institute Mumbai. Also, he has earned a 200- hour YTTC and 300-hour YTTC from the Yoga Darshanam in Mysore, where he studied traditional hatha yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, and dynamic Vinyasa.

Additionally, he studied Ashtanga Vinyasa under the guidance of R. Sharath Jois (the grandson of K. Pattabhi Jois – the father of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga). Furthermore, he has attended several Hatha Yoga workshops at Isha Yoga, a yoga foundation run by the illustrious Sadhguru.

Before discovering the yogic way of life, Praveen worked as a gym instructor and a personal fitness trainer to prominent personalities and businessmen. However, ever since he ventured into the world of yoga, with his utmost dedication and boundless passion, he has come to be highly appreciated and respected by Yoga seekers all around the world.

Praveen has spent two years working as a yoga instructor in Russia. During his time in the country, he also organized the first-ever International Yoga Day in Vladivostok, in collaboration with the Indian Council, Government of India (Ministry of External Affairs).

Praveen is committed to sharing this enlightening Yogic wisdom to the seekers. His specialization includes but isn’t limited to Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga vinyasa, Vinyasa, Partner Yoga, Dynamic Vinyasa, Adjustment and Alignment, Pranayama, and Meditation.



(Vinyasa, and Yin Yoga )

Nica is a passionate yogi nomad, travelling around the world, sharing holistic bodywork and its transformative healing potential.

With her degree in psychology and background in multi style yoga (hatha, yin, vinyasa flow, ashtanga, bikram, power, restorative yoga), movement and massage therapy, hormone yoga therapy for women and breathwork, she believes these tools help us on the path through the self, to the Self.
She sees body as our temple to be taken care of, a guideline how to access ‘what is’, walking history allowing us to do the inner work in the presence. Holding non-judgmental, loving and safe space is the main key of her work. Through compassionate individual approach, creative flows connected with the presence of breath and energetic depth of yoga, together we will open a space for physical – mental – emotional – spiritual transformation.
‘First 200hrs Hatha YTT in India in 2014, has changed my life. I could taste the capacity of the practice and since than, yoga became my lifestyle, my guide. Continued with 500hrs Multistyle YTT in Nepal, I understood even deeper, that yoga is so much more than asana; it begins on the mat and continues in daily life.’
Nica had taught yoga sessions, teacher trainings, related workshops and retreats in several countries in Europe and Asia and is very passionate to share the magic of yoga practice with you!
Swami ji

Swamy Atmanand

( E-RYT 200 , E-RYT 500 )

Referred to as ‘Swami Atma’ by his beloved students, Swami Atmananda is not only a legendary yoga guru but also one of the very few teachers who is known worldwide for his contribution to yoga and its related disciplines. A passionate devotee of Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati, he was blessed with the gift of yoga at a very early age from Kailash Ashram and has dedicated himself to a life of yoga ever since.

Being a master at several different aspects of Yoga, Swami Atma first met Guru Nitya in 1992 and in 1998, Swamiji met Sudhi Chaitanya, a disciple of Guru Nitya, and soon ascended above the everyday monotony of human life.

Born in the motherland of Ayurveda, Kerala, Swami Atma has always been a humanitarian who wanted to dedicate his life towards helping and healing people. This is why he pursued homeopathy and naturopathy during his early years in Kerala. At the time, he was aloof from his spiritual abilities as a healer and a guiding light.

It wasn’t until 2006 that he set foot in the world of yogic teachings and practice and since then, he has bestowed every second of every minute of his life towards spreading the knowledge of yoga and its related facets to every part of the world.

An ardent believer and follower of the Vedas and Upanishads, Swamiji has also spent a considerable amount of time studying and practicing yoga at Sivananda Ashram under the tutelage of H. H. Sri Swami Adhyatmanandaji Maharaj. Additionally, he dedicated four years of his life roaming around various places, living the life of a Sanyasi and carrying out his meditation practices.

At present, he calls the yoga capital of the world, Rishikesh, his home where he continues to share his practices and learnings with hundreds and thousands of yoga seekers from around the world.

Known for his everlasting smiles and an expertise that is beyond any measures, Swami Atma specialises in Philosophy, Mantras, and Meditation.


Charlotte Goodhew

( E-RYT 200 , E-RYT 500 )

A highly renowned and extremely ambitious Yoga Teacher, Charlotte has been practicing and teaching yoga for almost a decade. Her long list of accomplishments includes but aren’t limited to a 200-hour YTTC in Iyengar Yoga, a 200-hour YTTC in Ashtanga and Vinyasa Flow, a 100-hour Meditation Teacher Training, and much more.

Her career as a Yoga Teacher is quite fascinating and star-studded as she has had the experience of working with some of the biggest sportsperson and famed personalities around the world. Additionally, she has also worked hand in hand with coaches, players, and physiotherapists to improve strength and flexibility among students at the Lord’s Cricket Ground. In her own words, her classes focus greatly on “dynamic mindful moment, post-match deep muscle and fascia stretching, as well as injury prevention and rejuvenation”.

For the past five years, she has been living in India and teaching yoga to hundreds of students. When she is not teaching in India, she spends her time in West London giving private lessons to reputed clients across hotels and corporate brands.

Last year, she launched Frieze Art Fair’s Healing Programme and partnered with Vitality to create and deliver a range of corporate Well-being Programmed for the workplace and home. Apart from teaching yoga and meditation, Lottie is a mindfulness facilitator in The Plum Village tradition for Wake Up London.

Known for her positive energy flow and dynamic mindful classes, Charlotte specializes Anatomy, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Vinyasa flow, Yin yoga and restorative yoga.


Vishavjeet Singh

( Philosophy, Pranayama, Meditation)

Vishavjeet Singh Ji was born in a town of spirituality, Haridwar. He spent most of his teenage in Rishikesh. Vishu belongs to Gayatri Parivar (a community formed by saints and spiritual guides) that involved him in many spiritual practices from his early childhood. He was blessed to have a grandfather who himself is a great Yogi.

Vishu learnt Yoga and philosophy from his grandfather in childhood. Further he continued to learn from his elder brother Jagjeet Singh (Jaggi) who is also a great Yogi and his guru. Vishu went to corners of INDIA and grasped more knowledge and applications of Yoga which helped him reach to the depths of yogic culture. Vishu has always been on a quest to understanding the very purpose of life. Yoga and Meditation has helped him find many answers he says!

Finally after completion of his college studies Vishu decided to take Yoga as a full time career and he keeps on sharing all that knowledge he has acquired about life and yoga. Learning from Vishu is one of a kind experience. He believes in hand in hand teaching style. You will find him standing with you on each point of your learning journey and thereafter. You will deep dive in the world of ancient yoga and meditation techniques and their application


Dr. Grishma Dessai

( Ayurveda and Anatomy)

Grishma was born and raised up in Goa, India. Being a Goan her fond for nature comes naturally. As she grew up her love for Indian home remedies and Ayurveda got intense and she decided to make her career in the field of Ayurveda and Yoga.

Grishma believes in organic living and has a strong affection for plants and the environment. At a very young age, she decided to become a doctor and achieved her goals. Her teaching technique is novel with personal support to each and every student. With Grishma you’ll learn about anatomy and how it applies to Yoga poses.

She has completed her Bachelors in Ayurveda, Medicine, and Surgery from GAMRC, Goa. She has worked in Ayurveda hospital for one year as a medical Intern. She has also done an advanced 200 hour Hatha Yoga teacher training course from Shiva Shakti Yoga, Goa. She is a competent teacher with plenty of experience and expertise in Ayurveda.


Bhupender Singh Negi

( Pranayam, Philosophy and Meditation, Mantras)

Bhupender Singh Negi, Spiritual Name – Ādi, was born in Delhi, India. Yogi Bhupender, learnt the ethics and moral values under the Guidance of his loving mother in the early age. His mother was a karma yogi in true sense with total devotion in Bhagwan. Observing her actions have taught and made him practice the karma and bhakti yoga from his childhood. He studied in well-known Institutions and Ashrams. He completed MSc in Yoga Therapy from SYVASA where he learned Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy and worked on different medical conditions and lifestyle disorders.

He studied in Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Meenakshi Ashram in Madurai where he was initiated into Spiritual fold by imparting mantra and a Spiritual name. There he studied Sivananda yoga and ancient texts like Bhagavad Geeta, Patanjali Yoga sutra. He has taken various Chakra Balancing workshops, for almost a year, where he helped more than 500+ people shift their mind-set and take charge of their life by working with them closely and personally as a Holistic Wellness Coach and Chakra Healer.

One of the most important moments of his life came in 2021 when he moved to Kerala to pursue systematic study of Advaita Vedanta from Chinmaya International Foundation at the ancient maternal birthplace of Ādi Sankaracharya. It was a one year residential Vedanta Sadhaka Course where he had in-depth study of many Foundational Texts, Upanishads, Sanskrit and Vedic Chanting under the Guru-Shishya Parampara after which he stayed back and served in the Ashram.

Yogi Bhupender has had experiences and training in various aspects of yoga such as Hatha yoga, Meditation and Philosophy, Pranayama, Mantra, Mudra and Yoga nidra. His years of experience have now made him an excellent tutor. Yogi Bhupender has travelled to various places and has taught for Five years across India. His approach and techniques are simple which are easy to understand even by beginners.

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