Fitness to Yoga: Praveen Reddy’s Goa Yogashala Story
Praveen Reddy’s passion for fitness and yoga has driven him to create a remarkable community of wellness enthusiasts. His story unfolds as he transitions from a fitness trainer to the founder of Goa Yogashala, where tradition and modernity harmoniously blend. Background and Inspiration Praveen’s inspiration to start Goa Yogashala emerged from his love for the […]
Is Adjustment And Alignment Necessary For Yoga Practice?
One of the most critical things to keep in mind while you perform any physical activity such as yoga or workout is to ensure that you do it right. A slight carelessness can lead to serious injuries and may also lead in prolonged ailments. It is true that yoga, as compared to modern-day workout, is […]
What To Expect While Staying In A Yoga Ashram In India?
If you’re looking to disconnect from the outside world and deepen your yoga practice, an ashram stay might be just what you need. You have to be prepared for a simple lifestyle and early mornings, but a fulfilling experience in the end. Yoga workshops and retreats can be a great way to get away from […]
Yoga And Ayurveda For Winter
Winters are a time to enjoy with your loved ones. However, it’s also a time when lethargy sets in making it difficult for most of us to even get out of bed during peak winters. Winters are synonymous with shorter days and longer nights which only feed upon the winter lethargy. However, Yoga And Ayurveda, the […]
How Do Ayurveda And Yoga Intertwine?
Ayurveda in India originated over 4000 years ago and is an ancient system of holistic medicine. However, in combination with yoga, the effects of Ayurveda become even more pronounced. Yoga and Ayurveda are both traditional and natural disciplines but they work in different domains in the wellness world. Ayurveda is considered a science of life and […]
How To Choose The Right Yoga Retreat For You?
Yoga is one of the widely accepted methods in the world to stay healthy and fit. Because it helps in the discovery of the inner-self and keeps a tab on our well-being through a system of mental and physical disciplines. On account of its innumerable benefits, yoga has made a mark in the world and […]
5 Biggest Mistakes Every New Yogis Make
There is no doubt that practicing yoga is a great idea—not only for your physical body but also for your mental health and overall vitality. However, as beginners to this ancient yet currently trendy practice, one tends to make some major mistakes. The key to achieving flexibility, strength, and eventually coming into the “state of yoga” […]
Goa, A The Perfect Place For A Yoga Holiday In India
A tropical paradise nestled on the western coast of India, Goa is one of the most sought-after destinations for tourists of all kinds, especially party lovers and culture explorers. But this cute beautiful state is also known for its gorgeous yoga retreats and ashrams where people from all over the world visit to soothe their […]
7 Steps To Becoming A Personal Yoga Instructors
Yoga has transcеndеd bordеrs and bеcomе a global phеnomеnon, with millions of individuals rеaping its physical, mеntal, and spiritual bеnеfits. As thе dеmand for pеrsonalizеd yoga instruction grows, aspiring yogis find thеmsеlvеs drawn to bеcoming pеrsonal yoga instructors. If you havе a passion for yoga and a dеsirе to sharе its transformativе powеr with othеrs, […]
Yoga and Ayurvеda rеtrеats makе for important ways to takе carе of your wеll-bеing. Yoga, which is all about combining asanas and pranayama, hеlps you rеjuvеnatе your mind and body. Ayurvеda, which is all about balancing your doshas and vital еnеrgiеs in your lifе, hеlps in rеlaxing your soul. So, whеn thеsе two combinе and […]