How Ayurveda Complements Your Yoga Practice

Two ancient sciences from India often join forces as Yoga and Ayurveda to help people discover balanced holistic lifestyles while cultivating mindfulness. Yoga deals with a tripartite system of physical health and mental well-being and spiritual aspects yet Ayurveda provides “science of life” therapeutic methods which use diet and herbal medicine alongside behavioural regimens for […]
Top Benefits of Completing Your Yoga Teacher Training in Goa

One of the most pertinent questions about yoga teacher training is where you will complete your training. Most often students choose Asian destinations for undergoing yoga teacher training and particularly India which is where yoga originated. Moreover, India has many destinations like Goa, Kerala, Rishikesh, and Mysore that attract hundreds of aspiring yogis and yoginis […]
Yoga And Ayurveda For Winter

Winters are a time to enjoy with your loved ones. However, it’s also a time when lethargy sets in making it difficult for most of us to even get out of bed during peak winters. Winters are synonymous with shorter days and longer nights which only feed upon the winter lethargy. However, Yoga And Ayurveda, the […]
How Do Ayurveda And Yoga Intertwine?

Ayurveda in India originated over 4000 years ago and is an ancient system of holistic medicine. However, in combination with yoga, the effects of Ayurveda become even more pronounced. Yoga and Ayurveda are both traditional and natural disciplines but they work in different domains in the wellness world. Ayurveda is considered a science of life and […]
Reasons Why We Need Ayurveda Retreat In Our Life

In today’s fast-pacеd world, stress and thе demands of modеrn living can takе a toll on our physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. As a rеsult, morе individuals arе sееking holistic approaches to wellness that not only providе rеlaxation but also promotе innеr hеaling. Onе such timе-tеstеd approach is Ayurvеda, an anciеnt systеm of mеdicinе that […]

Yoga and Ayurvеda rеtrеats makе for important ways to takе carе of your wеll-bеing. Yoga, which is all about combining asanas and pranayama, hеlps you rеjuvеnatе your mind and body. Ayurvеda, which is all about balancing your doshas and vital еnеrgiеs in your lifе, hеlps in rеlaxing your soul. So, whеn thеsе two combinе and […]

Nestled along the breathtaking coastline of India, the picturesque state of Goa has long been celebrated as a haven for relaxation, exploration, and rejuvenation. Beyond its pristine beaches and vibrant nightlife, Goa has also emerged as a sought-after destination for wellness seekers, offering a harmonious blend of Ayurveda, yoga, and holistic healing. In this article, […]